USJ Student-Athletes Selected for 2024 NCAA Career in Sports Forum

Forum allows students to explore professional and career development strategies

West Hartford, CT (06/04/2024) — Three University of Saint Joseph student-athletes have been selected to participate in the 2024 Career in Sports Forum, put on by the NCAA and its leadership development May 30-June 2 in Indianapolis, Ind.

Juan Torres, a member of USJ's men's soccer team, and Chaylyn Martin, a member of USJ's men's basketball team, both seniors from Hartford, Conn.; and junior Jenna Zup of Berlin, Conn., of the USJ women's soccer and softball teams, were selected for the forum, an annual educational program that brings together 200 selected NCAA student-athletes to learn about and explore potential careers in sports, particularly college athletics. This unique three-day forum helps student-athletes chart their career paths, while presenting copious opportunities for attendees to network with and learn from current industry leaders. To be chosen to attend the forum, student-athletes were nominated by their school or conference.

The forum allows attendees to network with peers and decision-makers at the campus, conference, and national level of college athletics. The program will educate participants on how personal strengths intersect with career opportunities; provide participants with tangible experiences that will push them forward in their aspiration for a career in sports; and

To prepare attendees for success in navigating their futures, notable speakers will cover topics such as self-awareness and its role in professional development; practical approaches to the sports job search; personal branding; developing a career plan; managing yourself as a professional in the sports industry. Through panels, engaging breakout discussions, keynote presentations and facilitated dialogues, program participants walk away from their experience with a thorough understanding of athletics as a career path and where they fit into the industry's landscape.

The diverse lineup of student-athletes who will participate represents colleges and universities from all three divisions, numerous academic majors, and many sports. Forum speakers will include directors of athletics, representatives from athletics academic services, athletic conference offices, head coaches, and officials in business and professional sports.

The NCAA leadership development department provides professional and personal development for the entire Association, including student-athletes, coaches, and administrators, through accessible resources, strategic partnerships, and annual customized programming.

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